API Integrations inventory

The API integrations inventory debuts Venafi Platform's next generation inventory and filtering list.

There are two views of the inventory:

  • Table view. In the table view, the list of items includes columns that display additional information about each item. This view is most similar to the traditional inventory list you may be familiar with from Venafi Platform's previous inventories.

  • Detail view. The details view shows an overlay of a specific item from the inventory, providing a detailed view of the selected item. In this view, you can update, export, or delete an integration. You can also use the pagination icons to move to other inventory items.

To create an new integration or to import an integration from another engine, click Add.

Searching and filtering the table

Use the search box to search for terms across multiple fields. You can search on any column displayed on the page. The search box is not for creating advanced queries. Use the Filters button to create advanced queries with operators.

If you have a filter applied, you will see a bubble with the number of filter criteria on the Filters button. If you use the Search box while a filter is applied, the Search box will only search items that match the applied Filter criteria.

Click All Integrations to see a list of saved filters. For information on saving and managing filters, see Creating, saving, and modifying inventory filters.

Customizing the table view

The table has several features to make managing the inventory easier, including:

  • Sorting by column. Hover over a column header to see the sort button. Click it once to sort by that column. Click it again to reverse the sort order. Click it a third time to remove the sort.

  • Table pagination. Some inventories can contain many items. Venafi Platform uses table pagination to increase performance and reduce load time. You can use the Rows per page setting to control how many items you want to view at once. (A larger number of rows will load more slowly than a smaller number of rows.) There are right and left arrows to let you browse from page to page.

  • Columns button lets you choose which columns you want to display in the inventory . These settings are persistent from session to session, but only affect your account.

  • Density button lets you control the spacing between rows.

  • Export button lets you save a CSV file of the entire integrations page. All rows are exported, but only the displayed columns are exported.

  • Column settings. Hover over a column name and click the More menu (three stacked dots) to see the column action panel, which are additional tasks you can do with the column, including sorting, filtering, and pinning.

Inventory Accessibility features

To navigate the inventory using the keyboard:

  • Tab to the table by pressing the TAB key to move forward (or SHIFT + TAB to move backwards) until the first column heading has focus.

  • When a checkbox has focus, press the SPACE key to select or deselect the row.

When inside the table:

Key Description
Arrow keys
(up, down, right, left)
Navigate between cells.
HOME Navigate to the first cell in the current row.
END Navigate to the last cell in the current row.
CTRL + HOME Navigate to the first cell of the first row.
CTRL + END Navigate to the last cell of the current row.
Navigate to the next scrollable page.
PAGE UP Navigate to the previous scrollable page.
CTRL + A Select all rows (for multi-row actions).
TAB Leave table to navigate to next control outside the table
SHIFT + TAB Leave table to navigate to previous control outside the table.

When a column heading has focus:

Key Description
ENTER Cycle through the sort options for that column.
CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER Open the column's action panel.

Details view. Top open the Details view, navigate to an item in the Name column, then press ENTER. Once in the details view:

Key Description
TAB Move between controls.
ENTER or SPACE Activate the control.
Arrow left and Arrow right When one of the tabs (like Overview) has focus, use the arrow keys to move between tabs, then press TAB to move to controls on the tab.
ESC Close the modal window and return to the previous screen.