Creating CodeSign Protect Projects

When you create a new project, your progress is automatically saved. It will stay in the Draft state until you are ready to submit your new project for approval. When you submit the project for approval, the Code Signing Administrator receives notification that the project is ready to be reviewed. Once approved, it will moved to the Enabled state.

NOTE  Only users who have access to at least one environment template will be able to request projects. Access is controlled by the Visibility tab on the environment template.

  1. Log into CodeSign Protect by going to https://[tpp-server]/codesign-protect.

  2. In the menu bar, click Projects.

    If there are already Projects created, you'll see them listed here.

  3. Click Create Project on the project list screen to start creating a new project.

  4. In the Create New Project modal, enter a Project Name and Description for this project.

  5. Click Create.

After giving the Project a name and a description, the Project creation page opens. This page has three tabs, though only two are applicable to new Project creation—the Properties tab and the Environments tab. Additional instructions for each tab are included in the following pages:

Follow the instructions in these pages to continue creating your Project.