Connect to Active Directory or LDAP Identity Provider

NOTE  This is a platform-level task. It requires access to Venafi Configuration Console directly on the Trust Protection Platform server and is generally completed by a Master Admin.

In order to assign users to the various roles involved in a code signing project, those users must first exist Trust Protection Platform. In most cases, identities and groups are added to Trust Protection Platform by a connection to either Active Directory or an LDAP Identity Provider. Once the identities and groups are added to Trust Protection Platform, they can then be assigned roles in code signing projects.

For information and steps for adding an Active Directory connection, see Working with Active Directory.

For information and steps for adding an LDAP connection, see Working with LDAP and Oracle directory service.

While uncommon, it is also possible to add users to the Trust Protection Platform local identity directory. For more information, see Managing local identities directly in Trust Protection Platform.