Certificate and Device Placement jobs

Certificate and Device Placement jobs allow you to organize your certificate and device inventory by applying rules that allow you to filter certificates and devices into specific folders in your system. You can run these rules once, or you can set up a schedule to run these rules on a regular basis.

NOTE  This feature works in a way that is similar to applying filters to your email. Once you create the filter in your email program, you have the option to apply the filter to all existing items in your email box. With Certificate and Device Placement jobs, you can also schedule this "filter" to run on a scheduled basis.

This feature allows you to search the inventory for duplicate certificates, and then group the certificates into a single certificate object. When a placement job finds a duplicate certificate, it uses the most recent version (based on date issued) of the certificate as the current version, and moves the duplicate certificate into that certificate's Previous Versions tab for certificate history tracking.

Creating a placement job is like creating any other type of job in the Jobs list, you use the Create New Job wizard to walk you through the process.

IMPORTANT  Placement Jobs only run on Venafi servers that have the Automatic Layout Manager installed and enabled in the Venafi Configuration Console. For example, this allows you to have one server in a cluster that processes placement jobs without impacting performance on other servers in the cluster. If Automatic Layout Manager is installed, you can enable or disable it from either the Venafi Configuration Console or from Policy Tree on the Platforms tree.