Adaptable Application object

Defines the data necessary for a Trust Protection Platform to provision SSL/TLS certificates and private keys. Like other vendor-specific drivers, the Adaptable App driver can communicate with a network device that hosts certificates and/or private keys.

The Adaptable App driver sets or overrides values for a PowerShell script, such as the Template.ps1 script. The script fields also correspond to the Adaptable Settings page. For more information, see the Administration Guide.

How Adaptable drivers map to the UI

Adaptable App driver attributes



Allow Push Without Private Key

Required: No

Policy Definable: No. Default: NA

The setting to control provisioning:

  • False = Use only the public key.
  • True = Use the PK Credential.

Certificate Name

UI: Certificate Name
Required: No

Policy Definable: No. Default: NA

PowerShell script where applicable. This field provides generational management and historical values to pass to the Remove-Certificate function in the PowerShell script to automate the cleanup of old versions of the certificate.

File Validation Disabled Disable

UI: File Validation
Required: No

Policy Definable: Yes. Default: 0

The setting to control file validation:

  • 0 = Validate the file by calling the Extract-Certificate function in the PowerShell script.
  • 1 = Block file validation via the PowerShell script.

Installation Status

Required: No

Policy Definable: No. Default: NA

The status of private key and certificate installation. Internally, the driver uses the status to track the responses from the Install-PrivateKey and Install-Certificate functions in the PowerShell script (at least one of which must be implemented).

The syntax for the value is: <Install-PrivateKey Result>#<Install-Certificate Result>.

Log Debug

UI: Enable Debug Logging
Required: No

Policy Definable: Yes. Default: 0

A value of 1 allows verbose logging to the $DEBUG_FILE that is defined in the script.

Network Validation Disabled

UI: Disable Network Validation
Required: No

Policy Definable: Yes. Default: 0

The setting for network validation:

  • 0 = Validate by making an SSL/TLS connection to the managed device.
  • 1 = Disable network validation.

Option 1

UI: *
Required: **

Policy Definable: ***. Default: No

A Boolean value that controls UI visibility and meaning that is defined in the PowerShell script:

  • 0 = Pass False to the PowerShell functions.
  • 1 = Pass True to the PowerShell functions.

Option 2

UI: *
Required: **

Policy Definable: ***. Default: No

A Boolean value field that controls UI visibility and meaning defined by the PowerShell script:

  • 0 = Pass False to the PowerShell functions.
  • 1 = Pass True to the PowerShell functions.


Required: No

Policy Definable: No. Default: NA

PowerShell script

PBES2 Algorithm

UI: Private Key PBE Algorithm
Required: No

Policy Definable: No. Default: NA

The Password-Based Cryptography Specification Version 2.0 (PBES2) algorithm:

  • MD5/DES = Insecure, maximum compatibility.
  • SHA1/3DES = Insecure, less compatibility.
  • SHA256/AES256 = most secure, least compatibility.

PK Credential

UI: Private Key Credential
Required: No

Policy Definable: Yes. Default: NA

A Password credential.

Password 1

UI: *
Required: **

Policy Definable: ***. Default: NA

A string value field that access and meaning that is defined in Password in the PowerShell script.

PowerShell script

UI: PowerShell script
Required: Yes

Policy Definable: Yes. Default: NA

Policy must assign value. The PowerShell script file name that is in the[InstallationFolder]/ Scripts\AdaptableApp folder.

The Adaptable Application driver loads and executes the script while provisioning and validating an associated certificate.

PowerShell Script Hash Vault Id

Required: No

Policy Definable: No. Default: NA

The vault id that identifies a vault such as CyberArk or HashiCorp.

Retry After Script Hash Mismatch

Required: No

Policy Definable: No. Default: 0

The maximum number of retries after the Application object hash algorithm does not match the script value.

Script Execution Timeout

Required: No

Policy Definable: No. Default: NA

The maximum number of seconds the script can run.

Script Hash Mismatch Error

Required: No

Policy Definable: No. Default: NA

The error message to log when the script is missing from the Policy folder.

Secondary Credential

Required: No

Policy Definable: No. Default: NA

One of these credentials: Username, Password, Certificate, or CyberArk Credentials

Text Field 1

UI: *
Required: **

Policy Definable: ***. Default: NA

A string value field that controls UI visibility and meaning defined for Text1 in the PowerShell script.

Text Field 2

UI: *
Required: **

Policy Definable: ***. Default: NA

A string value field that controls UI visibility and meaning that is defined in Text2 in the PowerShell script.

Text Field 3

UI: *
Required: **

Policy Definable: ***. Default: NA

A string value field that controls UI visibility and meaning that is defined in Text3 in the PowerShell script.

Text Field 4

UI: *
Required: **

Policy Definable: ***. Default: NA

A string value field that controls UI visibility and meaning that is defined in Text4 in the PowerShell script.

Text Field 5

UI: *
Required: **

Policy Definable: ***. Default: NA

A string value field that controls UI visibility and meaning that is defined in Text5 in the PowerShell script.

Check your Adaptable App driver script:

* To find the user interface label of an extra field, check the FIELD DEFINITIONS section of the PowerShell script. The policy in the script also determines whether to apply the value.

** To determine whether an extra field value is required, check the FIELD DEFINITIONS section of the PowerShell script. The policy in the script also whether to apply the value.

*** To determine whether an extra field value can be specified by policy, check the FIELD DEFINITIONS section of the PowerShell script.