Certificates TLS validation states

While confirming the protocol to use to provision a certificate to a target host, , GET Certificates/{guid}/ValidationResults reports a validation state. The Transport Layer Security (TLS) validation state describes whether a connection with the target host was successful.

TLS validation results
TLS Validation result Description


The target host is unreachable or it is not listening on the port.
HostResolutionFailed The host name or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) is not resolvable using Domain Name System (DNS).
MismatchWithKnown The target host presented a certificate that matches one in inventory but not in history.
MismatchWithPrevious The target host presented a certificate that fails to match the one in history.
MismatchWithUnknown The target host presented a certificate that neither matches one in inventory nor history.
NoCertificateFound The target host is listening on the port, but it didn't present a certificate.


There is no certificate on the target host to validate.
NotSupported Network validation is not supported by the application object


The object involved in the validation operation is missing one or more required settings (attribute values).