HEAD Certificates

Searches and returns the number of certificates that match the specified search filters. If you want the response to show certificate details, call GET Certificates instead.


  • Permissions:  The caller must have Read permission and Private Key Read permission to the Certificate object.
  • Token scope:  Certificate


  • Content type: Content-Type:application/json.

  • Token: The bearer access token that you received. For example, Authorization:Bearer 4MyGeneratedBearerTknz==. For more information, see Passing a bearer token in your API calls.


(Optional) One or more combinations of Certificates attribute filters and Certificates status filters. If you want the total number of certificates in Trust Protection Platform, omit all search parameters.

When adding query parameters, use the /? syntax. If you are not passing any parameters, make sure the URL ends with a trailing slash. Otherwise, some environments, such as cURL and PowerShell, return a HTTP 307 Temporary Redirect message.


Response description



HTTP 200

Returns the total number of certificates, which match the search criteria, from the Policy tree.

X-Record-Count : Appears in the response header. Indicates the total number of matching certificates.

HTTP 307

If the method is missing a slash (/) at the end of the URL or between the query parameters, this message appears: There is no operation listening for [Web SDK method], but there is an operation listening for [Web SDK method/], so you are being redirected there.

HTTP 400

Returns an error message for bad parameters, data, or syntax.

  • Invalid Boolean value. The value [value] for the parameter [parameter] contained spaces, a non-numeric, or a number other than zero or one.
  • Invalid Certificate type. The value [value] for the parameter [parameter] failed to match any required value: Device, User, or Server.
  • Invalid DateTime format. The value [value] for the parameter [parameter] requires a date and time in the IS0 8601 format.
  • Invalid Management type. The value [value] for the parameter [parameter] failed to match any required value: Monitoring, Enrollment, Provisioning, or Unassigned.
  • Invalid numeric format. The value [value] for the parameter [parameter] cannot be null, non-numeric, or contain white spaces.
  • Invalid TrustNetReputation value. The value [value] for the parameter [parameter] is invalid. Only numbers between 0 and 100 are allowed.

Example: Show the number of signed md5RSA or sha1RSA certificates

This example indicates that there are 245 certificates signed with sha1RSA or md5RSA.


HEAD https://test.venafi.example/vedsdk/certificates/

Authorization:Bearer 4MyGeneratedBearerTknz==

Response in the header

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Record-Count: 245