Log Result Codes

When you use the Log API, the return value includes one of the following LogResults:

Log Result Codes


LogResult Code

Message or description

0 Success Success.
1 Failure General error.
2 StringTooLong A provided string was too long.
3 DataToLarge The data blob was too long.
4 ComponentTooLong The component string was too long .
5 BufferTooSmall An internal buffer was not large enough to process the event.
6 Text1TooLong The Text1 string was too long.
7 Text2TooLong The Text2 string was too long.
8 NullArgument A field in the event was null even though it is not allowed.
9 LogServerLost A field in the event was null even though it is not allowed.
10 BadArguments BadArguments.