POST Certificates/Retrieve

Returns the available certificate data and optional private key information for an enrolled certificate. After this call completes, you can use another utility to convert it to the necessary Format. If you want to download the certificate, call GET Certificates/Retrieve instead.


  • Permissions:  The caller must have Read permission and Private Key Read permission to the Certificate object.
  • Token scope:  Certificate:Manage


  • Content type: Content-Type:application/json.

  • Token: The bearer access token that you received. For example, Authorization:Bearer 4MyGeneratedBearerTknz==. For more information, see Passing a bearer token in your API calls.


Input parameters




The Trust Protection Platform Distinguished Name (DN) of the certificate.


The format that you will use to manually convert the CertificateData result. Specify one of the following case sensitive values and use the exact spacing:

  • Base64: Show the certificate in the traditional PEM format. The mime-type is application/x-pem-file.
  • Base64 (PKCS #8): Show the certificate in the PEM format and include the PKCS#8 encoded private key. The mime-type is application/x-pem-file.
  • DER: Show the raw certificate. Use IncludePrivateKey and set the password. The mime-type is application/x-x509-ca-cert.
  • JKS: Show the certificate in the Java Keystore (JKS) format. The mime-type is application/octet-stream.
  • PKCS #7: Show the certificate with optional chain in the PKCS#12 format. The mime-type is application/x-pkcs7-certificates.
  • PKCS #12: Show the certificate in the PKCS#12 format. Use IncludePrivateKey and set the password. The mime-type is application/x-pkcs12.


The label or alias to use for Base64, JKS, or PKCS #12 formats. Required for the JKS format.

IncludeChain (Optional)

When the Format is Base64, Base64 (PKCS #8), PKCS #7, PKCS #12, or JKS, you can include the parent or root chain in the return data.

  • true: Include the root chain. Use RootFirstOrder to set the order. The data appears after any private key information.
  • false: Omit the root chain.

IncludePrivateKey (Optional)

When the Format is Base64 (PKCS #8), PKCS #12, or JKS, you can specify whether to return the private key:

  • false: No private key.
  • true: Default. Create a private key based on KeystorePassword.


If the Format is JKS, you must set this value. Use the same requirements as required for Password.


If the IncludePrivateKey value is true, this value must be set.

Create a strong password by using a

  • minimum of 12 characters
  • combination of at least three of the following:
    • one or more lowercase letters
    • one or more uppercase letters
    • one or more numbers
    • one or more special characters



In the REST response, the order of the certificate chain of trust. Use when IncludeChain is true.

  • true: Set the root certificate first, followed by intermediate certificates, and finally the end entity certificate.
  • false: Default. Set the end entity first, followed by intermediate certificates, and finally the root certificate.


(Optional) The maximum wait time for certificate retrieval.

Overrides the Platforms tree setting for the Certificate API ToDo Timeout setting. The maximum number of seconds to wait for the ToDo operation to complete. The default is zero seconds with a maximum value of 120 seconds. For example:WorkToDoTimeout: 60. For more information, see Certificates API configuration.


Response description



HTTP 200

If the certificate is currently in enrollment, provisioning, or in error, the response contains only the current Status and processing Stage of the Certificate object.

  • CertificateData: The certificate in the Base64 with the capability for you to convert it to the specified Format. The certificate data is only available after certificate enrollment completes. If the caller supplied private key parameters and a private key is present in the Secret Store, Trust Protection Platform includes the private key data.
  • Filename: The suggested filename for the certificate data (in case the caller wants to save the certificate data in a file).
  • Format: A reminder of the intended Format that is imbedded in the CertificateData.
    • Base64or Base64 (PKCS #8) : application/x-pem-file
    • DER: application/x-x509-ca-cert
    • JKS: application/octet-stream
    • PKCS #7: application/x-pkcs7-certificates
    • PKCS #12: application/x-pkcs12

HTTP 202

When the certificate is not ready, this API call returns:

  • Stage -1 Status: Queued for renewal.
  • Stage: 0, Status: Not yet available.

HTTP 400

Returns an Error message for bad parameters, data, or syntax:

  • Certificate does not exist.

  • Failed to read certificate [CertificateDN] user permissions.
  • Permissions error. You do not have sufficient rights to retrieve the certificate [CertificateDN].

  • Permissions error. You do not have sufficient rights to retrieve the certificate [CertificateDN] private key.

Example: Get the certificate


POST https://tpp.venafi.example/vedsdk/certificates/Retrieve
Authorization:Bearer 4MyGeneratedBearerTknz==


HTTP/1.1 200 OK