POST Workflow/Ticket/Details

Returns the status, list of approvers, and other details about a workflow ticket.

If the WebSDK caller is configured to be an approver and the workflow ticket was created after the established WebSDK session (automatically by Trust Protection Platform as part of lifecycle processing or by calling POST Workflow/Ticket/Create), you must call GET Permissions/Refresh after ticket creation. Otherwise, the caller will not be able to see or act on the ticket until you get another bearer token.


  • Token scope:  Any valid scope, such as Agent, Certificate, or SSH


  • Content type: Content-Type:application/json.

  • Token: The bearer access token that you received. For example, Authorization:Bearer 4MyGeneratedBearerTknz==. For more information, see Passing a bearer token in your API calls.


Input parameters




The unique identifier for a workflow ticket. To find this value, call POST Workflow/Ticket/Enumerate or find the GUID on the Ticket DN attribute in the certificate Support tab.

Location of Workflow ticket GUID in the UI


Response description



HTTP 200

For valid requests, this call returns a HTTP 200 message and the following data in the message body:

  • ApprovalExplanation: The explanation supplied by the approver.

  • ApprovalFrom: The identity to be contacted for approving.

  • ApprovalReason: The administrator-defined reason text.

  • Approvers: An array of workflow approvers for the certificate.

  • Blocking: The object that the ticket is associated with.

  • Created: The date/time the ticket was created.

  • IssuedDueTo: The workflow object that caused this ticket to be created (if any).

  • Result:  Integer result code indicating success 1 or failure. On failure, all other response values are null. For more information, see Workflow result codes.

  • Status: The status of the ticket.

  • Updated: The date/time that the ticket was last updated.

HTTP 400

For invalid requests, this call returns HTTP 400 Bad Request and the following data in the message body:

  • error: The reason for the error.
  • error_description: If available, additional information about how to retry the request.


POST https://tpp.venafi.example/vedsdk/Workflow/Ticket/Details
Authorization:Bearer 4MyGeneratedBearerTknz==
    "ApprovalExplanation": "",
    "ApprovalFrom": "AD+VENAFI:e3fc935977cf4940bd1d0c67433a76e5",
    "ApprovalReason": "Testing workflow",
    "Approvers": [
    "Blocking": "\\VED\\Policy\\Regression\\four.venafi.example",
    "Created": "/Date(1489096754000)/",
    "IssuedDueTo": "\\VED\\Policy\\Regression\\Stage 0",
    "Result": 1,
    "Status": "Pending",
    "Updated": "/Date(1489098779597)/"