POST Workflow/Ticket/UpdateStatus

Updates the status of a workflow ticket as approved or rejected and provides the option to set a schedule for approved tickets. The change appears in the Platform Workflow tree. If the object for which the ticket applies has a Status, the Status and Explanation are written to the Status object along with the name of the identity which performed the update.

If the WebSDK caller is configured to be an approver and the workflow ticket generated after the established WebSDK session (automatically by Trust Protection Platform as part of lifecycle processing or by calling POST Workflow/Ticket/Create), you must call GET Permissions/Refresh after ticket creation. Otherwise, the caller will not be able to see or act on the ticket until you get another bearer token.


  • The caller must have Access permission to the REST API. For more information, see Confirming service status.
  • Token scope:  any:Approve


  • Content type: Content-Type:application/json.

  • Token: The bearer access token that you received. For example, Authorization:Bearer 4MyGeneratedBearerTknz==. For more information, see Passing a bearer token in your API calls.


Input parameters




An array of identities. To get the Prefixed Universal Id, call POST Identity/Browse. Specify each PrefixedUniversal in one of the following formats:

For example:

  • For an identity Name, either specify a corresponding Prefix OR use PrefixedName instead.
  • For an authentication provider Prefix, either specify a corresponding Universal OR use PrefixedUniversal instead.



(Optional) The new approval explanation to assign to the ticket.



The unique identification string of the workflow ticket for which the status is to be returned.


The Distinguished Name (DN) of the workflow object.



The reason for the change.



(Optional) A valid start time when the ticket should continue processing for the certificate. Otherwise, the UI Certificate Status shows Workflow returned InternalError. Required when you specify an Approved After or Approved Between Status.

Specify a time in the UTC format, for example 2022-11-25T07:15:00.000000Z. If the timezone is not specified, ScheduledStart uses the local time of the Trust Protection Platform server.



(Optional) A valid stop time for ticket processing. Otherwise, the UI Certificate Status shows Workflow returned InternalError.

Specify a time in the UTC format, for example 2022-11-25T07:15:00.000000Z. If the timezone is not specified, ScheduledStop uses the local time of the Trust Protection Platform server.



The new status string to assign to the ticket. Trust Protection Platform-managed workflow tickets are assigned status values of: Pending, Approved, Approved After, Approved Between, or Rejected.



Additional information.



Response description



HTTP 200

For valid requests, this call returns a HTTP 200 message and the following data in the message body:

  • Result:  Result code indicating success 1 or failure. For more information, see Workflow result codes.

HTTP 400

For invalid requests, this call returns HTTP 400 Bad Request and the following data in the message body:

  • error: The reason for the error.
  • error_description: If available, additional information about how to retry the request.

Example 1: Approve ticket

Request for Example 1

POST https://tpp.venafi.example/vedsdk/Workflow/Ticket/UpdateStatus
Authorization:Bearer 4MyGeneratedBearerTknz==
 "GUID": "6ede0e12-f7c0-4068-9977-001076205c84",
 "Status": "Approved",
 "Explanation": "Ticket was approved by Joe"

Response for Example 1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 "Result": 1

Example 2: Approve ticket for processing after a specified local time

Request for Example 2

POST https://tpp.venafi.example/vedsdk/Workflow/Ticket/UpdateStatus
Authorization:Bearer 4MyGeneratedBearerTknz==
   "Status":"Approved After",

Response for Example 2

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 "Result": 1

Example 3: Approve ticket for processing between two specified UTC times

Request for Example 3

Authorization:Bearer 4MyGeneratedBearerTknz==
   "Status":"Approved After",

Response for Example 3

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 "Result": 1