PUT Teams/AddTeamOwners

Assigns owner identities to a team. The team itself resides in one local provider. However, members, which are Trust Protection Platform users or groups, can originate from a local, AD, or LDAP provider.


  • Permissions:  The caller must have Owner permission or have Master Admin permission. However, results are limited to the identity provider that authenticated the caller. For example, if a LDAP caller tries to change information about an AD identity, the API call returns an empty JSON result.
  • Token scope:  Configuration:Manage


  • Content type: Content-Type:application/json.

  • Token: The bearer access token that you received. For example, Authorization:Bearer 4MyGeneratedBearerTknz==. For more information, see Passing a bearer token in your API calls.


Input parameters




(Optional) A PrefixedName for the new local team. For example, PrefixedName:local:Apache Team3.


(Optional) An array of current team owners.

The syntax varies based on the identity provider. For more information, see Identity Information:

  • AD: Specify a value for PrefixedName or PrefixedUniversal.
  • LDAP: Specify a value for PrefixedName or PrefixedUniversal.
  • Local: Specify values for both a PrefixedName and PrefixedUniversal.


(Optional) List or omit owners and members from the response:

  • FullName:The Distinguished Name (DN) of the identity group.
  • IsGroup: The value is true if this instance is a group, otherwise false.
  • Name: The group name.
  • Prefix: The AD, LDAP or Identity provider. For more information, see Identity Information.
  • PrefixedName: The concatenated Prefix: and Group Name.
  • PrefixedUniversal: The concatenated Prefix: and Universal.
  • Type: The type of identity:
    • 1: User
    • 2: SecurityGroups
    • 8: DistributionGroups


    • [Combo value]. Any combination of identity types that are related to the Filter. For example: SecurityGroupsandDistributionGroups = 10.
  • Universal: The Universal Unique ID (UUID) that identifies a user or group identity. The formatting including curly braces depends on the settings from the identity provider. For example, Universal: {f32b5c37-c2d7-49aa-9ef4-2d38954a8b9b}.


The response depends on the ShowMembers setting. If ShowMembers is false, this method returns only a HTTP 200 message. Otherwise, Teams/AddTeamOwners returns a HTTP 200 message and the following data.

Response Description




Appears only if an individual or team member is missing from the identity tree.

  • Prefix: The identity provider prefix that manages the account or group Name.
  • PrefixedName: The concatenated Prefix: and account Name.
  • PrefixedUniversal: The concatenated Prefix and Universal.
  • Universal: The Universal Unique ID that identifies a user or group identity.


An array of every team member.

  • FullName:The Distinguished Name (DN) of the identity group.
  • IsGroup: The value is true if this instance is a group, otherwise false.
  • Name: The group name.
  • Prefix: The AD, LDAP or Identity provider. For more information, see Identity Information.
  • PrefixedName: The concatenated Prefix: and Group Name.
  • PrefixedUniversal: The concatenated Prefix: and Universal.
  • Type: The type of identity:
    • 1: User
    • 2: SecurityGroups
    • 8: DistributionGroups


    • [Combo value]. Any combination of identity types that are related to the Filter. For example: SecurityGroupsandDistributionGroups = 10.
  • Universal: The Universal Unique ID (UUID) that identifies a user or group identity. The formatting including curly braces depends on the settings from the identity provider. For example, Universal: {f32b5c37-c2d7-49aa-9ef4-2d38954a8b9b}.


If the response is a HTTP 400, it only contains Message and the reason for failure. Omits all other return values.

  • [Identity Error]
  • [strProduct] is not a valid product only [TeamProducts.AcceptedValues] values are allowed.
  • Either the Owners list is empty or all of its identities are invalid.
  • Failed to add owners.
  • Failed to add team assets: [Identity Error].
  • Failed to add team description: [Identity Error].
  • Failed to add team owners: [Identity Error].
  • Failed to add team products: [Identity Error].
  • Failed to read the current members of the team: [Identity Error].
  • Failed to read the current owners of the team: [Identity Error].
  • Failed to start Work To Do for team management. Try later.
  • Failed to update owners of the team: [Identity Error].
  • No new owners were provided.
  • Only Master Admin can create a team.
  • The asset [assetDN] is already owned by a team [Team Name].
  • The prefixed name of a team identity is missing.
  • The team identity is missing.
  • The team identity is not valid or it doesn't exist.

Example: Add users to a local identity team. List all members


PUT https://tpp.venafi.example/vedsdk/Teams/AddTeamOwners
Authorization:Bearer 4MyGeneratedBearerTknz==
      "PrefixedName":"local:Apache Team"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK