VIA Venafi and our No Outage Guarantee

Certificate outages can be debilitating for critical security and operational systems in your organization. They can result in down systems, lost sales, and the inability for customers to use your services.

Venafi has created a specific, comprehensive, and proven path that, when followed, guarantees you will stop certificate outages before they occur. This path encompasses the people, the processes, and the technologies that eliminates outages.

VIA Venafi is a combination of technology, experience, and proven expertise that helps drive you to common goals. Focused on Venafi technology that delivers the Visibility, Intelligence, and Automation to protect machine identities of all types, this approach is based on access to and a deep understanding of all the needed components.

If you have an outage that directly results from an expired or mis-configured certificate in the Venafi Platform, and that certificate was configured and protected in a manner compliant with the Venafi Way, we will make it right by providing at no charge to you Venafi subject matter experts to help investigate the failure, perform a root cause analysis, and specify the actions needed to remediate and avoid recurrence of that same problem.

To assist you in understanding where you and your organization is along the VIA Venafi path, we offer a free VIA Venafi Review. As a Venafi customer, you can request a progress assessment from Venafi experts at no cost.

The 8 critical steps of the VIA Venafi Proven Path are:

  1. Establish and outage safety Network Appliance

  2. Establish a foundation for the outage prevention solution

  3. Align the organization around a service-based approach

  4. Define and design the services

  5. Train the teams who support the services, and document the processes

  6. Recruit, train, and onboard early adoption teams for initial rollout

  7. Expand adoption: onboard certificate owners for enterprise rollout

  8. Assess service effectiveness, tune, and evaluate the adoption process

For additional information about the VIA Venafi Proven Path, a free VIA Venafi Review, and the VIA Venafi No Outage Guarantee, please contact Venafi customer support.