About deleting installations

If you need to disassociate a certificate from a device, you can delete the installation. In this manual process, you locate the installation you don't want to track in Trust Protection Platform, and delete it. Deleting an installation does not delete any certificates or keys on devices.

IMPORTANT  If the certificate is still on the device and is not retired, and the device is scanned by discovery, the installation will be re-created.

When viewing a certificate in Aperture, click Installations in the side bar to see the installations associated with a certificate. Each installation row has an action button with the option to delete the installation. You must have the delete permission on the device to see the delete option in the action button.

IMPORTANT  If you are working with Apache installations that remotely generated keys and a CSR using an HSM and there are less than two remaining installations after the deletion, Aperture automatically removes the Application group For more information, see Delete a certificate installation.