Delete a certificate installation

When you delete a certificate installation, you remove the Application object that controls provisioning for a certificate. If you are working with Apache and there are less than two remaining installations that generated from a remote CSR generation, TLS Protect automatically removes the Application group in Policy Tree.

IMPORTANT  If you are working with Apache installations that remotely generated keys and a CSR using an HSM and there are less than two remaining installations after the deletion, Aperture automatically removes the Application group For important information about deleting installations, see About deleting installations.

TLS Protect automatically removes the group for the following reasons, when you:

  • Delete the certificate.
  • Delete all installations for the same certificate.
  • Move all installations to a different certificate.

IMPORTANT  You must have the View, Read, and Delete permissions in order to complete this task.

To delete a certificate installation

  1. From the TLS Protect menu bar, click InventoryCertificates.
  2. Open the certificate that has the installation you want to delete.
  3. Either expand the installations by clicking the down arrow next to the number of installations, or open the certificate details page and click Installations in the side bar.
  4. Locate the installation you want to delete, click the down arrow on the action button, and then click Delete.
  5. In the pop up window, confirm you want to delete the installation by clicking the Yes, Delete button.
  6. If the installation that you delete is a certificate's last installation, you will see an option to retire the certificate after the installation is deleted. To retire, the certificate, click Yes, Retire. Otherwise, click No, Don't Retire.For information on certificate retirement, see Retiring a certificate.