Automating CodeSign Protect with REST

You can use several REST APIs to manage daily tasks.

What APIs can I use for tasks?
I want to... Where You can automate the task with this REST API
Get a token access for REST APIs Auth REST

Requires setup. Use the Platform UI to authorize integration with REST APIs. If your client requests digital signing, it needs a Vendor authorization with all possible scopes that the client will use for API calls.

After configuration, every API call requires an authorization bearer token in the header. For more information, see Getting a token.

Request code signing HSM REST

Always initiate a signing request with POST API/Sign. Then, manage approval through the UI or VCC flows.

Search for signing certificates Web SDK REST Call GET Certificates and pass CertificateType=CodeSigning with any other relevant search filters.

Get signing statistics

Web SDK REST Use signing data for monitoring signing trends in your own reporting apps. For more information, see POST Stats/Query.
Manage signing applications Code Sign Admin REST

Store tool versions and corresponding hashes for use with other API calls. For more information, see POST Codesign/CreateApplicationCollection.

Setup Projects, Environments

Code Sign Admin REST

Automate CodeSign Protect project and environment management. For more information, see Projects and environments.

Customize the UI Web SDK REST

Add Custom Fields. For more information, see Metadata Custom Fields API.

Set signing rights Code Sign Admin REST Manage CodeSign Protect users. For more information, see Rights.
Get event information Web SDK REST Monitor the event log. For more information, see Log API.