Requests that data be digitally signed. During signing, CodeSign Protect uses a private key from a project's environment to sign the data (provided as base64) and return raw signature. If the signing operation is blocked by a Flow that requires key use approval, a digest is returned that uniquely identifies the signing request.



  • Content type: Content-Type:application/json.

  • Token: The bearer access token that you received. For example, Authorization:Bearer 4MyGeneratedBearerTknz==. For more information, see Passing a bearer token in your API calls.


For details, see the LibHSM documentation on your signing workstation:

  • Linux: file:///opt/venafi/codesign/html/index.html

  • macOS: file:///Library/Venafi/CodeSigning/html/index.html

  • Windows: file:///C:/Program Files/Venafi CodeSign Protect/SDK/html/index.html

Input parameters




The ClientInfo object that manages code signing.


(Optional) Use only when the server requires a different Mechanism. For example, when signing and hashing on the client side, set this field to describe the actual mechanism for a full operation (when signing this would include the digest).


The Base-64 bit encoding of the data to sign.


(Optional) The reason for the request.


The purpose of the key:

  • null
  • authentication
  • encryption
  • signing


(Optional) If the environment contains multiple keys, the KeyId of the private key.


The GUID that uniquely identifies a CodeSign Protect environment. The Key ID allows you to digitally sign Data. To get the value, use the Guid from the POST Codesign/GetEnvironment response.


The Mechanism ID that represents the encryption algorithm for signing the software. For Rsa Pkcs, specify 1. To get additional values, use the LibHSM documentation on your signing workstation. See md_Documentation_RESTCrypto.html.


(Optional) Additional settings for Initialization Vector (IV), Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP), and PKCS-PSS:

  • HashAlg: Specify the CKM value.
  • IV: If ParameterType is IV, the initialization vector in Base64 encoding.
  • MGF: For OAEP and PKCSPSS, the mask generation function.
  • ParameterType: Specify IV initialization vector, OAEP Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding, or PKCSPSS PKCS-PSS formatting.
  • SaltLen: For PKCSPSS, the salt length, in bytes.
  • Source: If OAEP and SourceData is provided, specify 1. Otherwise 0.
  • SourceData: If you specify OAEP and Source is 1, include the executable as Base64 encoded.


(Optional) The password that corresponds to Username.


The ProcessInfo object that describes how to sign.


(Optional) The Key User.


(Optional) For operations that verify data.


(Optional) The private key ID to wrap.


Response description



HTTP 200

For valid requests, this call returns a HTTP 200 message and the following data in the message body:

  • Successtrue if the operation was successful, false otherwise.

  • Error: Appears only when there is an error. Possible reasons include:

    • Missing or invalid KeyID

    • Signing requires pre-authorization

    • Locked template parameters block signing

    • Private key prevents usage of a particular signing tool

  • TryLatertrue if the operation was not performed due to a flow condition that requires approval.

  • RequestThumbprint: Displays the Flow Process Instance Identification digest, in case the operation is blocked by a Flow that requires approval. The approval request fingerprint is a digest of the parameters defined as instance identifiers. This digest is also displayed on the request approval screen.

  • ResultData: The base64 of raw signature. Appears only if Success is true.

Example 1: Sign a request that doesn't require approval

Request for example 1

POST https://test.venafi.example/vedhsm/API/Sign/
Authorization:Bearer 4MyGeneratedBearerTknz==
      "CommandLine":"\"C:\\temp\\MySignTool.exe\"  sign /n \"Sample \" c:\\temp\\Mysoftware.exe",

Response when no approval is required

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
   "ResultData": "niIT+q+sFigJDv/qlfzuy...",
   "Success": true

Response when pre-approval is required in the UI

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
   "Error": "Private Key Access: Your request was submitted for approval. Please wait for approval confirmation and retry.",
   "RequestThumbprint": "6F6B304E72EA451557BADDBD6F5EB40B8F858EAD42B62A18253C165071C634A8",
   "TryLater": true