ProcessInfo object

The ProcessInfo object describes how to run an operation such as POST API/Sign. The operation usually requires CodeSign Protect approval.

  • CommandLine: The complete command that runs from the Machine command line. Use proper syntax. In Postman, begin and end the sign tool path with a single backslash (\) and escape folder names with double backslashes. For example: "\"c:\\path\\to\\signingtool\\name.exe\" c:\\test\\myBinary.msi.
  • Executable: The tool path. Use proper syntax. In Postman, be sure to escape folder names with double backslashes. For example, "\"c:\\path\\to\\signingtool\\name.exe\" c:\\test\\myBinary.msi.
  • ExecutableHash: (Optional) The hash of the tool that is performing an operation. If the tool is already registered, use the GUID from POST Codesign/GetApplication response. Otherwise, run a utility such as PowerShell Get-FileHash.
  • ExecutableIssuer: (Optional) If the Executable is code-signed, the issuer CN, O, L, S, and C values from the signing certificate. For example, CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US".
  • ExecutableSigner: (Optional) If the Executable is code-signed, the subject CN, O, L, S, and C values from the signing certificate. For example, CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US".
  • ExecutableSize: (Optional) The byte size of the executable that is performing an operation.
  • Machine: The device that will perform an operation. The user's client machine name, Fully Qualified Domain Name, or IP address.
  • Username: The login name of the device that will perform the operation.