Creating a new Onboard Discovery job

When configuring onboard discovery jobs, you can select any number of device objects from the Policy tree. Alternatively, you can choose to recursively search a folder for device objects to add before any job begins the actual process of scanning.

TIP  Before you create your onboard discovery job, make sure that you've carefully reviewed Onboard Discovery prerequisites.

To create a new Onboard Discovery job

  1. From the TLS Protect menu bar, click ConfigurationJobs.

    (Optional) To filter the Jobs list by one or more specific job types, use the Job Type filter. See Filtering the Jobs list by job type.

  2. Click + Create New Job to start the Create New Job wizard.

  3. On the Create New Job page, click Onboard Discovery, and then click Start.

  1. Under Job Details, in the Name field of the New Onboard Discovery Job page, type a name for your new onboard discovery job.
  2. (Optional) In the Description field, type a description that describes the purpose for your new job.

    A strong description can be useful in helping other administrators better understand the purpose of your new object (such as certificates, jobs, credentials, devices, trust stores, etc.), or to remind yourself later why you created it.

  3. (Optional)In the Contacts field, begin typing the name a user name to specify one or more contacts for your new job.

    To add multiple contact names, press Enter after finding each name.

  4. From the Installation Type list, select one of the available types.

    Continue by viewing the configuration details for the installation type you chose:

  5. Click Next.
  6. Depending on which installation type you selected, then on the Targets page, do one of the following:

    1. (Conditional) If you selected any installation type other than Amazon Web Services or Azure Key Vault, then in the Devices to Scan field, select the devices that you want scanned, and then continue to the next step.
    2. (Conditional) If you selected Amazon Web Services as the installation type, then in the Account IDs to scan field, type (or copy in) one or more AWS account IDs, press Enter after each ID, and then skip down to the Placement Rules step.
    3. (Conditional) If you selected Azure Key Vault as the installation type, type your tenant ID in the Azure Tenant ID field, and then skip down to the Placement Rules step.
  7. (Conditional) If you haven't yet created device objects, click Create New Devices and then do one of the following:

    1. If you already have the required credential, click Create New Device Only and do the following:
      1. In the Device Addresses filed, type one or more new device addresses.

        TIP  When working with many devices, you can copy and paste all of the addresses into this field at once, provided that you include commas between each address.

      2. In the Device Folder field, begin typing the name of the folder where you want the devices placed and select a folder.
      3. In the Credential field, begin typing the name of the credential to use and then select it.
      4. When you're finished, click Save.
    2. If you haven't yet created devices or credentials, click Create New Device and New Credentials, and then do the following:
      1. In the Device Addresses filed, type one or more new device addresses.
      2. In the Device Folder field, begin typing the name of the folder where you want the devices placed and select the folder.
      3. In the Credential Name field, type a unique name for your new credential.
      4. In the Credential Folder field, begin typing the name of the folder where you want the devices placed and select the folder.
      5. In the Password fields, type a password twice to confirm, and then click Save.
  8. (Optional)(Conditional) If you have a specific folder where all of your devices are located, then select a folder from the Scan all devices located in this folder (and its subfolders) field.

    All sub-folders of the folder you select are also scanned.

  9. Click Next.
  10. Under Placement Rules, do one of the following:
    • (Conditional) If you selected Amazon Web Services or Azure Key Vault, select the folder where you want discovered certificates and applications to be placed, and then click Next.

      IMPORTANT  If a certificate is assigned to a web application but there is no Azure Key Vault available, the Azure Key Vault name value of the associated application object is left empty. In this case, in order to provision successfully after onboard discovery job runs, you'll need to set that value manually.

    • (Conditional) If you're configuring any other installation types besides Amazon Web Services or Azure Key Vault select one of the following methods for placing newly discovered certificates:
      • Select With this device if you want all newly discovered certificates placed in the same folder where the device is located.
      • Select In this folder if you want to select an existing folder where Trust Protection Platform should place all newly discovered certificates.
    • If you're configuring for Amazon Web Services, placement targets must be unique for each AWS Onboard Discovery job that runs concurrently in the Amazon Web Services section.
  11. On the Occurrence page, specify when you want the new job to run, and then either click Create & Run to save your changes and run the job immediately, or click Create Job if you plan to run the job at a later time (or have scheduled it to run later).
  12. Click Save.

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