Policy object monitoring settings

The policy object’s Monitoring page allows you to define the intervals at which Trust Protection Platform generates expiration events for the Policy object’s subordinate Certificate objects.

The following table describes the options in the Policy Object’s Settings > Monitoring tab:

Policy Object Monitoring Event Settings



Monitoring Tab

The Monitoring tab defines the expiration event settings for subordinate objects—you can define how soon and how often expiration events are generated for the policy’s subordinate Certificate objects.

Monitoring parameters defined in folder may take precedence over the monitoring parameters defined in the Certificate objects.

The recipients and delivery method (email, SNMP trap, etc.) for expiration notifications are defined in Notification and Channel objects. You must configure the Channel and Notification objects to send notifications for expiration events. For more information, see Managing certificate notifications in the Certificate Management guide.

Expiration Start

Number of days before a certificate expires that you want to start generating expiration events.

Expiration Interval

Frequency (in days) at which you want Trust Protection Platform to generate expiration events.

Escalation Start

Number of days before a certificate expires that you want to start generating escalated expiration events.

Escalation Interval

Frequency (in days) at which you want Trust Protection Platform to generate escalated expiration events.


Disables Monitoring for all subordinate Certificate objects.


Allows you to lock a value within the Policy object. Locked attributes cannot be modified in subordinate Certificate objects. Unlocked attributes function as suggested values; they can be accepted or overwritten in the subordinate object configuration.

By default, policy values are unlocked . The value toggles between a locked and unlocked state.

The first Policy icon locks or unlocks the Expiration Start values. The second Policy icon locks or unlocks the Escalation Start values. The third Policy icon locks or unlocks the Disabled value.