Venafi Trust Protection Platform Reports
Trust Protection Platform provides the following default reports.
The Certificate Authority Report contains details related to certificate authorities (CA).
For detailed information on this report, see Certificate Authority report.
The Certificate Inventory Report provides an overview of critical information and statistics about the certificates in your environment so that you can detect anomalies or issues and respond in order to secure and protect your environment.
For detailed information on this report, see Certificate Inventory report.
The Certificates with Identical Attributes Report shows user, device, and server certificates that share an identical attribute with at least one other certificate.
For detailed information on this report, see Certificates with Identical Attributes report.
The Entitlement Report shows all users that have access to the encryption management system.
For detailed information on this report, see Entitlement report .
The Expiration Report contains details about the upcoming expiration dates of your certificates. Expiration dates are displayed from most urgent to least urgent, as defined when the report was generated.
For detailed information on this report, see Expiration report.
The Key Length Report contains details about key lengths of the certificate group you specified. Key lengths are sorted in relative order, from short (weak) to long (strong). This report applies to Network discovery objects only and not to Agent discovery objects.
For detailed information on this report, see Key Length report.
The Licensing Report provides a count of all managed certificates and their associated applications as well as managed SSH and symmetric keys so administrators can determine if they are in compliance with their current licensing agreement. This report is provided as a default object in the Reports tree because Trust Protection Platform uses the data from the Licensing Report to populate the License Status tab in the administration console Dashboard.
For detailed information on this report, see Licensing report.
The Signing Algorithm Report contains details related to Digital Signature Algorithms (signing algorithm). The details will help you evaluate risk and company security policy compliance. The algorithms have been sorted in relative order, from weak to strong. This report applies to Network discovery objects only and not to Agent discovery objects.
For detailed information on this report, see Signing Algorithm report.
The Validity Period Report contains shows validity periods for your certificates for the purposes of compliance. The number in the "Years" column reflects the total validity period of the corresponding certificate, not the time remaining. Validity periods are sorted in relative order from long to short, measured in years. This report applies to Network discovery objects only and not to Agent discovery objects.
For detailed information on this report, see Validity Period report.
The Wildcard Report contains details about the use of wildcard certificates. Wildcard certificates are displayed in the table and include the total number of instances and detail associated with each instance. These certificates are sorted by number of instances, from greatest to fewest. This report applies to Network discovery objects only and not to Agent discovery objects.
For detailed information on this report, see Wildcard report.