About RSA and elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) key algorithms

RSA and ECC are two key algorithms. RSA is the most common; but ECC is gaining ground as an alternate, secure encryption method.

DID YOU KNOW?  In RSA, the public key is a large number that is a product of two primes, plus a smaller number. The private key is a related number. In ECC, the public key is an equation for an elliptic curve and a point that lies on that curve. The private key is a number.

When you're deciding which algorithm to use for encryption, consider the following points:

  • While in several respects, ECC is considered a viable option, some devices don't yet support ECC
  • Trust Protection Platform supports the 3 primary NIST-supported ECC key strengths, and only supports NIST EC curves. For example, we do support PRIME256v1. We do not support SECP256k1.
  • Both the Apache and CAPI drivers support ECC

NOTE  ECC support using the Apache driver applies to SafeNet Luna SA only.

Comparing RSA and ECC key algorithms

  • RSA is an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm used to encrypt and decrypt messages using public and private keys.
  • ECC is an algorithmic alternative to RSA that can have computational benefits because its size is smaller but comparably stronger. ECC-enabled TLS can be faster and more scalable and provides the same or better security than the default cryptography that is currently in general use.

    E. Barker, ``Recommendation for Key Management -- Part 1: General (Revision 4),'' NIST Special Publication, SP 800-57R4, 2016-01, National Institute of Standards and Technology

    Courtesy of E. Barker, "Recommendation for Key Management -- Part 1: General (Revision 4),'' NIST Special Publication, SP 800-57R4, 2016-01, National Institute of Standards and Technology

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