Creating a new user credential for SSH connections

SSH policies use device credentials to connect to specific devices.

When you are specifying a device connection for an SSH policy, you have the option to specify the credential to be used, and to set this as a policy. If the credential does not exist, you can click Create New Credential to add the credential to the system.

Create a new user credential (via SSH Key Policies)

  1. From the TLS Protect menu bar, click Configuration, and then click Folders.
  2. Locate the policy folder where you need to apply the credential, then navigate to the Device Connection section.

  3. Click Create New Credential.

  4. Update the credential fields.

    The following table lists fields that may appear on the form, depending on the type of credential needed:




    Select the folder where the credential will be stored.

    TIP  Some clients like to store all credentials in a single folder; others prefer to keep the credentials stored relative to the certificates or devices that use the credentials.

    Credential Name

    This is the display name of the credential that you will see in Trust Protection Platform when you are viewing the list of credentials.

    User Name

    Enter the user name to connect to the device.


    Enter the password to connect to the device.

    Confirm Password

    Re-enter the password to confirm you have entered it correctly.

  5. Click Save.

Create a new user credential in Aperture (via the Device details)

  1. In the Aperture menu, click Inventory Devices.
  2. Click a device name to open the device details.
  3. In the Overview section, click the Edit link next to Connection.
  4. Click Create New Credential.
  5. Update the credential fields, using the table in the previous section as reference, as needed.
  6. Click Save.

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