Creating new credentials

You can create certificate, username, password, private key, CyberArk and Amazon credentials that Trust Protection Platform can use to authenticate to devices or applications over SSH.

NOTE  To create new credential objects, you must have the View, Write, and Create permissions for the folder where you plan to create them.

In Aperture, permissions are controlled in the Permissions panel. For information about working with permissions in Aperture, see Assigning permissions to objects.

NOTE  Amazon, Google, CyberArk and Adaptable credentials require additional configuration settings.

To create a new credential

  1. From the TLS Protect menu bar, click Inventory > Credentials, and then click Create a New Credential.
  2. Click the Credential Type list and select the type of credential you want to create.

  3. Click Folder and select the policy folder in which to create your new credential.
  4. In Credential Name, type a unique name for the new credential object, and then click Create and Configure.

  1. Depending on the credential type you selected (in Step 3), you'll need provide additional configuration settings.

    For specific configuration settings for each credential type, refer to the following topics:

    Creating user name or password credentials

    Creating private key credentials

    Creating certificate credentials

    About generic credential object configuration settings