Manually running, canceling, or pausing a discovery job

When you start a discover job manually, it runs under the same execution schedule as a scheduled discovery.

NOTE  You must have the View and Write permissions to the discovery object.

TIP  You can also run a quick discovery of a specific IP address using the classic policy tree. For more information, see Using Instant Discovery.

To manually run, abort, or pause a discovery job

  1. On the menu, click Configuration > Jobs.

  2. In the Jobs list, click the job name you want to run.
  3. To run the discovery, click Run Now.

    After you click Run Now, the button changes to Cancel so you can stop the scan if needed.

  1. To pause the discovery currently in progress, click Pause.

    The pause may not be immediate. The discovery job completes the current block of addresses it is scanning before pausing the entire discovery operation.

  2. To resume the currently paused discovery, click Resume.