About SMTP templates for email notifications

Email templates in Venafi Platform serve as a wrapper for your message content, providing a consistent header, footer, style, and structure. The power of using templates is that a single change can update all messages based on that template.

Where to Find Templates

Templates are managed within the Venafi Configuration Console (VCC) under Tools > Logging > Channels or any of its descendants.

Customizing Templates

Venafi Platform comes with a built-in email template that serves as the default for all SMTP notifications. You have several options for customization:

  • Edit the built-in template directly.

  • Duplicate the built-in template and edit the copy.

  • Create a new template from scratch.

For more information, see Editing SMTP message templates.

Setting the Default Template

If you have multiple templates, you'll need to designate one as the default. This is the template that will be used when no other template is specified in the SMTP channel object.

Preservation During Upgrades

SMTP templates are safeguarded during system upgrades. Any changes you make will be retained when you upgrade to a newer version of Venafi Platform.

Resetting to Default Configuration

If you've modified the built-in template and wish to revert to the original settings, you can easily reset it to its out-of-box configuration.