GET PKS/Lookup/jwk
Returns a specific code signing public key and certificate in JWK format.
Name |
Description |
KeyId (required) |
The KeyId of the public key and certificate to retrieve. Must be URL encoded Syntax: %7B{KeyId}%7D Example: %7B0152fcce-401e-459f-a1f5-a219d250a2ac%7D |
Request example
GET https://{tpp-server-url}/pks/lookup/jwk/%7B0152fcce-401d-459f-a1f5-a219d250a2ac%7D
Response example
The public key and certificate is returned in JWK format. For a description of response values, see RFC 7517.
{ "keys": [ { "e": "AQAB", "key_ops": [ "verify" ], "kid": "{0152fcce-401d-459f-a1f5-a219d250a2ac}", "kty": "RSA", "n": "rIREQIvOdxZSAlAx...", "use": "sig", "x5c": [ "MIID9TCCAt2gAwIBAgI..." ], "x5t": "44AFD1BD1A7509D7937863A1ED4E5887B60177BA", "x5t#S256": "04A853670408FB8E121BCB62DB743C73EB53139D332A732F77DE3C6AD31FAF95", "x5u": "\"https://{tpp-server-url}/pks/lookup/pem/2451\"" } ] }