Identity Entry object

The IdentityEntry describes information about a user or group. Most of the Identity methods pass or return all or part of the IdentityEntry data structure defined below. Not all attributes are required.

  • FullName:The AD or LDAP data that identifies the user and group. Contains CNs with the Common Name and DC Domain Components.
  • IsGroup: The value is true if this instance is a group, otherwise false or omitted.
  • Name: The friendly name, account, or group name. For more information, see Identity Information.
  • Prefix: The identity provider prefix that manages the account or group Name. For more information, see Identity Information.
  • PrefixedName: The concatenated Prefix: and account Name. For more information, see Identity Information.
  • PrefixedUniversal: The concatenated Prefix: and Universal. If the provider is local, the Universal is enclosed in curly braces {}. For more information, see Identity Information.
  • Type or IdentityType: The category that describes the identity. 0: Undefined, 1: User object, 2: Group object, 4: Container of users and groups. 8: Distribution list.
  • Universal: The Universal Unique ID that identifies a user or group identity. The formatting including curly braces depends on the settings from the identity provider. For example, Universal: {f32b5c37-c2d7-49aa-9ef4-2d38954a8b9b}.
  • IsContainer: The value is true if this instance is a container, otherwise the value is omitted.
  • IsValid: The value is true if prefix information identifies a valid user, otherwise false.