Recycle Bin result codes
Here is a list of possible Recycle Bin result codes:
Code |
Result |
Description |
0 | Success | The request completed successfully. |
1 | AdminRequired | Only an administrator can make the request. |
2 | ObjectDoesNotExist | The provided object name does not exist. |
3 | InvalidGuid | No recycled item with that GUID exists. |
4 | InvalidRecycleBinItem | The Recycle Bin object has invalid information and cannot be restored. |
5 | ItemCannotBeRestored | Restoration is currently not possible. |
6 | FaildToGetConfigAccess | Could not obtain a valid Config object. |
7 | FaildToGetSecretStoreAccess | Could not obtain a valid SecretStore object. |
8 | ItemCleanupFailed | Failed to remove the Recycle Bin item after restoring associated values. |
9 |
ActionNotSupported |
The provided action type is not supported. |
10 |
ActionFailed |
The action failed to complete successfully. |
11 |
RemoteIdentityRequired |
A valid identity object was not supplied. |
12 |
ActionException |
An exception occurred while running an action. |
13 |
RemoteTransportFailure |
A request could not be submitted to the remote system due to a transport or network failure. |
14 |
ToDoRequestFailed |
A request could not be submitted to the ToDo system, |
20,000 to 29,999 | ConfigResultBase | An error occurred in the underlying Config subsystem. Subtract 20,000 from the error to obtain the Config result. For more information, see Config result codes. |
30,000 to 39,999 | SecretStoreResultBase | An error occurred in the underlying SecretStore subsystem. Subtract 30,000 from the error to obtain the Config result. For more information, see SecretStore result codes. |