SSH web error codes
The following list shows the supported SSH web error codes that occur while the SDK is managing keys, and keysets in Trust Protection Platform:
Error Code |
Message |
1 |
KeyNotFound, "Failed to find key" |
2 |
KeysetNotFound, "Failed to find keyset" |
3 |
DeviceNotFound, "Failed to find device" |
4 |
BadKeyFormat, "Incorrect key format" |
5 |
KeyAlreadyExists, "Key Already Exists" |
6 |
NoPrivateKeyOnTpp, "Private Key not stored in TPP" |
7 |
UnsupportedKeyLength, "Unsupported Key Length" |
8 |
OperationIsAlreadyRuninng, "Operation is already running on Key" |
9 |
NotAbleToLoadApprovers, "An error occurred while trying to retrieve approver(s). This may be due to a problem with the identities assigned to the workflow. Check the workflow settings, or contact your system administrator." |
10 |
TicketNotFound, "Workflow approval failure. There is no ticket to approve or reject." |
11 |
MissingRejectComment, "Workflow approval failure. The comment or reason for rejection is missing." |
12 |
InsufficientRights, "Operation failed. Insufficient rights." |
13 |
"FolderNotFound" |
14 |
KeyCannotBeDownloaded, "Key associated to device cannot be downloaded." |
15 |
KeyHasNoMaterial, "Key has no material and cannot be downloaded." |
16 |
InvalidOwnerIdentity, "Invalid owner identity." |
17 |
FolderHasNoRights, "Has no rights on folder" |
18 |
ImproperKeysetStage, "Keyset is in the improper stage for downloading" |
19 |
InappropriateTrustType "Key has inappropriate trust type" |
20 |
InvalidPassphrase, "Provided passphrase for an encrypted key is invalid." |
21 |
FailedToChangePassphrase, "Failed to change a passphrase" |
22 |
KeyIsNotPrivate, "Provided key is not a private key" |
23 |
RotationWaitTimeoutReached, "The timeout for the rotation wait was reached." |
24 |
KeysetAlreadyRotating, "Failed to rotate the Keyset" |
25 |
FailedToRotateKeyset, "Failed to rotate the Keyset" |
26 |
CertificateTemplateNotFound, "The certificate template does not exist or you do not have access to it." |
27 |
InvalidDateFormat, "Invalid date format" |
28 |
CertificateRequestNotFound. "The certificate request does not exist or you do not have access to it." |
29 |
NotCompliantWithTemplateSettings "The request is not compliant with the template restrictions. Non-compliant attributes: [attributes]." |
30 |
CAKeyNotFound. "Failed to find CA Key". |
31 |
InvalidPrivateKeyFormat, "Provided private key format is not supported" |
32 |
InvalidCAKey, "Provided public key data is invalid" |
33 |
InvalidPublicKeyData,"Provided public key data is invalid". |
34 |
InvalidCertificateObjectName, "Argument error. ObjectName, KeyId, or default KeyId must be specified." |
35 |
InvalidPrincipals, "Argument error. Principals are required, but they are not specified." |
36 |
FailedToCreateCertificateObject, Failed to create certificate object. |
37 |
UnableToImportPublicKeyData,Unable to import the provided public key. Error: [error] |
38 |
UnableToRequestCertificateIssuance, "Unable to request certificate issuance." |
39 |
InvalidKeyId, "Argument error. Certificate identifier (Key Id) is required, but it is not specified." |
40 |
InvalidRequestMissingMandatoryArguments, "Argument error. Missing mandatory arguments." |
100 |
InternalError, "Internal Error" |