Manually calling Discovery/Import with Scanafi data

You can use the Venafi Scanafi command line utility to add network certificates to Trust Protection Platform. In Standalone mode, Scanafi discovers and adds TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 certificates to a JSON endpoints file. The utility no longer scans for the SSLv2 protocol.

Standalone mode is helpful when the Scanafi computer cannot access POST Discovery/Import. When the scan completes, you copy the output to your development environment, and then call POST Discovery/Import to add the certificates to a policy folder.

To manually call Discovery/Import with Scanafi data

  1. Download the latest executable and documentation from the [Venafi Installation folder]\Utilities\Scanafi\Venafi_Scanafi_Update.
  2. Use the latest documentation to customize the sample in this topic.

    JSON keys

    JSON Key



    The Application ID. Specify scanafi.


    An array of scan parameters.


    (Optional) Specify one: trace, debug, Info (default), warning, error, fatal.


    The scan source and destination of the Discovery results.


    The directory and endpoint JSON file name. Use valid syntax for your operating system. For example:

    • Windows: C:\\Tpp\\Scanafi\\report.json
    • Linux, macOS: //home//user//Scanafi//report.json


    The Trust Protection Platform password.


    (Optional) If this parameter is not specified, Scanafi uses default port 443. An array of comma separated or range of ports for scanning. For example "443","80", "8080-8089". The scan priority is from the highest port number to the lowest.


    The scan source and destination of the Discovery results.


    Specify ciphers_scan true and certificates_only_scan true.


    The scan range in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) format.




    The Trust Protection Platform user name.

    For example:

       "zone":"test zone",
       "id":"test default",
                   443, 80, 8080-8089
  3. Copy the Scanafi executable from the [Venafi Home]\Utilities\Scanafi directory of your Trust Protection Platform server to the Linux, macOS, or Windows computer that will run certificate discovery.
  4. From a command line, navigate to the Scanafi directory.
  5. Run Scanafi with these required flags. The parameters are case sensitive.

    For example: scanafi_win_x64.exe --config [path]\[inputFN]

    --config     Path to the JSON input file
    [inputFN]    Name of the input JSON file
  6. (Optional) Use additional flags from scanafi_win_x64 -h.

  7. After Scanafi completes, open and confirm the JSON output file. For example:

    Scanafi output file

  8. Copy the endpoint data to your development environment, and then call POST Discovery/Import.