Editing existing CodeSign Protect Projects

After a project is approved, the Owner, Code Signing Administrator, and Master Admin can make changes to the project. Note that some changes can be done only by the Code Signing Administrator or Master Admin.

IMPORTANT  Making changes to an existing project does not put the project back in a draft state. The Owner is responsible for all changes on a project after its initial approval.

  1. Log into CodeSign Protect by going to https://[tpp-server]/codesign-protect.

  2. Click Projects in the menu bar.

  3. Click the project that you want to edit.

Edit the Project Description

In the Properties tab, enter an updated Description.

The Project Name field cannot be edited.

Edit Users & Approvers


Responsibility summary


To change the owner of this project, enter the new owner or group.


Currently, can only view project settings and retrieve archive entries using POST Codesign/RetrieveArchiveEntries.

Key User

Uses the private keys managed by Trust Protection Platform to sign code.

The Code Signing Administrator has the option disallow project key users from having any other roles in the project.

Key Use Approver

When configured in Flow, approves or denies use of private code signing keys.

Edit Permitted Applications

If you want to restrict what signing applications are allowed to use this project, enter them in the Permitted Applications field. If you leave this field blank, all signing applications will be permitted.

Add a new Environment

For instructions on adding new Environments, see the Environments section in Creating CodeSign Protect Projects.

Edit an existing environment

In the Environments tab, click the Environment you want to edit. The Environment details opens, where you can make changes to the Environment. After make your edits, click Save. For descriptions of the fields, see the descriptions in Completing the Environments tab.

Renew certificate for a Certificate Environment

In the Environments tab, click the Environment for which you want to renew the certificate. Then, in the local toolbar, click Renew.

A Certificate Renewal modal opens. Review the renewal details. If no changes are needed, click Renew. If changes are needed, click Cancel, and then click the Environment name to open the Edit Environment modal. After you make the changes, return to the Renewal Details modal to renew.

Change the certificate associated with an environment

To change the certificate that is associated with an Environment, open the Environment, and then in the local toolbar, click either Import or Link to HSM, depending on what you want to do. Follow the steps below for your use case:

Disable an Environment

Disabling an Environment keeps the Environment details in the database, but puts the Environment and associated keys and certificates in a disabled state. When disabled, they cannot be used.

To disable an Environment, open the Project that contains the Environment you want to disable. Click the Environments tab, and then select the Environment you want to disable. In the local toolbar, click Disable.

Delete an Environment

To delete an Environment, open the Project that contains the Environment you want to delete. Click the Environments tab, and then select the Environment you want to disable. In the local toolbar, click Delete.

NOTE  If the private key was created in the HSM by CodeSign Protect, then the key will be deleted from the HSM when you delete the Environment. If the private key was imported, then it will not be deleted.

We recommend maintaining a backup of your private keys.

Your Code Signing Administrator may have configured your Environment deletion request to be approved before the actual deletion happens. If all necessary approvals are given, your Environment will be deleted. However, if any approver rejects the request, the Environment will remain in the Project list, but will be in a Disabled state.