About Work Types

Work Types tell Trust Protection Platform when and how to perform specific tasks that make SSH keys and certificate management significantly easier. You can configure several types of work, listed in the table below.

After defining work, you then assign it to specific groups. A single work type can be used across multiple groups; but group types are designed to support specific kinds of work.

Which group and work types are used together is shown in the table below, Work Types and associated Group Types.

See About Group Types to learn more about the Trust Protection Platform components required in order to perform all work types.

Work Types and associated Group Types

Work Type


Associated Group Type

For configuration information, see...

Agent Connectivity

Configure how and when installed Server Agents should check in with the Trust Protection Platform server.

Reassign which Trust Protection Platform server the Server Agents should report to.

Set the Logging Threshold and specify the minimum logging disk space requirements .

  • Agent-based Certificate and Key Management

Configuring Server Agent connectivity

Agent Upgrade

Enable or disable upgrading of installed Server Agents to the latest available version.
  • Agent-based Certificate and Key Management

Upgrading Server Agents

Certificate Device Placement

Configure work for placing discovered devices and certificate installations into specific device policy folders.
  • Agent-based Certificate and Key Management

About device placement work and

Configuring SSH and Certificate device placement work

Certificate Discovery

Configure the method (agent-based versus agentless) and related behavior for discovering certificates.
  • Agent-based Certificate and Key Management

Setting up certificate discovery work

Certificate Enrollment via EST Protocol

Configure work for certificate enrollment for devices using the Enrollment over Secure Transport (EST) protocol.
  • Certificate Enrollment via EST Protocol
Example: Configuring EST for Cisco devices

Certificate Installation

Configure certificate installation (provisioning) work.

  • Agent-based Certificate and Key Management

Certificate installation using the Server Agent

Dynamic Provisioning

Configure work for creating, installing, and monitoring a certificate.

This work also automatically creates all of the necessary objects in Trust Protection Platform.

  • Agent-based Certificate and Key Management

About Dynamic Provisioning

SSH Device Placement

Configure work for placing device objects for the needs of SSH key management into specific device policy folders.

  • Agent-based Certificate and Key Management

About device placement work and

Configuring SSH and Certificate device placement work

SSH Discovery

Configure work for discovering SSH keys.

  • Agentless SSH Key Management
  • Agent-based Certificate and Key Management

Discovering and remediating keys without the Server Agent

Running an SSH discovery: finding devices and SSH keys

SSH Key Usage

Configure work for discovering and reporting SSH key usage details.

  • Agent-based Certificate and Key Management

Configuring SSH key usage log collection

SSH Remediation

Configure work for discovering and reporting SSH key remediation details.

  • Agent-based Certificate and Key Management
  • Agentless SSH Key Management

Setting up SSH remediation work