Creating a new Bulk Provisioning job

From the Jobs list view in Aperture, you can create a new bulk provisioning job in the same way you create other types of jobs, such as network and onboard discovery jobs.

IMPORTANT  Before you begin creating a new bulk provisioning job, carefully review the topic, Before you create and run a new bulk provisioning job.

To create a new Bulk Provisioning job

  1. From the TLS Protect menu bar, click ConfigurationJobs.

    (Optional) To filter the Jobs list by one or more specific job types, use the Job Type filter. See Filtering the Jobs list by job type.

  2. Click + Create New Job to start the Create New Job wizard.

  3. On the Create New Job page, click Bulk Provisioning, and then click Start.

  1. On the Details page, click the Parent Folder list to select the folder where you want the new job to be created.

    TIP  The folder you select must be one for which you have Create permissions.

    These are folders in the Policy tree in Policy Tree and under the Configuration menu in Aperture.

  2. In the Name field, type a name for the new job.
  3. (Optional) Complete the following fields:

    1. In the Description field, type a description of the purpose of the job.

      A clear description can help to provide context for other administrators who might need to manage the new job.

    2. In the Contacts field, select which contacts who you want to receive notifications of events that occur that are related to your new job.

      This is also an effective method of identifying who is responsible for the job.

  4. Click Next.
  5. On the Targets page, in the Target and Source fields, select at least one device (target) and folder (source).

    TIP  If you've not already created the device object, see the next step.

    IMPORTANT  The folders you select must have at least one certificate contained in them. Also, make sure that you have the correct permissions to the devices and folders you select, and that the settings on your device objects are correct. For more information, see Before you create and run a new bulk provisioning job.

  6. (Conditional) If you haven't yet created device objects, click Create New Devices and then do one of the following:

    1. If you already have the required credential, click Create New Device Only and do the following:
      1. In the Device Addresses filed, type one or more new device addresses.

        TIP  When working with many devices, you can copy and paste all of the addresses into this field at once, provided that you include commas between each address.

      2. In the Device Folder field, begin typing the name of the folder where you want the devices placed and select a folder.
      3. In the Credential field, begin typing the name of the credential to use and then select it.
      4. When you're finished, click Save.
    2. If you haven't yet created devices or credentials, click Create New Device and New Credentials, and then do the following:
      1. In the Device Addresses filed, type one or more new device addresses.
      2. In the Device Folder field, begin typing the name of the folder where you want the devices placed and select the folder.
      3. In the Credential Name field, type a unique name for your new credential.
      4. In the Credential Folder field, begin typing the name of the folder where you want the devices placed and select the folder.
      5. In the Password fields, type a password twice to confirm, and then click Save.
  7. Under Options, check and/or configure the items you want to enable.

    • Include certificates that expired in the last n days: You might have a reason to include expired certificates. This lets you decide which expired certificates to include based on the number of days since the expiration.
    • Include revoked certificates: In some cases, you might want to retain a copy of revoked certificates, such as with SSL decryption traffic inspections. This can be helpful because revocation can take time to take effect (e.g. 7 days or longer).
    • Include historical certificates: Enable this option if you want to deploy older certificates because they are still in use, or because you need the previous version history.
    • Include certificates without private key: Enable this option if you want to deploy certificates that do not have private keys.
    • Certificate batch size: If you need to manage any possible limitations with the target device (and it's associated API), you can limit the number of certificates that are provisioned to that device in a single operation.

      The default batch size is 200 certificates; if you don't specify a different batch size, the default is used. You can set this value to a minimum of 10 certificates and a maximum of 1000 certificates.

  8. When you're ready to continue, click Next.
  9. On the Occurrence page, specify when you want the new job to run, and then click Next.
  10. On the Installation Settings page, select the PowerShell script you want to use for this bulk provisioning job.

  11. (Optional) If you want to enhance troubleshooting capabilities of your Adaptable Bulk ProvisioningAdaptable Flow, select the Enable Debug Logging check box.

    For information about how enabling this option works with the PowerShell script, see About debug logging in the Adaptable Bulk Provisioning Adaptable Flow PowerShell script reference.

  12. Complete the fields required by your PowerShell script, and then either click Create & Run to save your changes and run the job immediately, or click Create Job if you plan to run the job at a later time (or have scheduled it to run later).

    In either case, the Jobs list view appears and you can then take additional actions on your new job.

DID YOU KNOW?  You can troubleshoot and specify additional Bulk Provisioning Manager service module settings by logging into Policy Tree. For more information, see Viewing Bulk Provisioning log events in Policy Tree and Configuring Bulk Provisioning Manager service module settings .

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